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February 24, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass.  -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN  -- February 24, 2014

6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux. ---Four members of the Advisory Board were in attendance: John Shipman, David Cruse, George Handy and Jim O’Coin.

New Business
Valerie Daigle from Northland Engineering came in with a septic repair plan for a foreclosed property on the corner of Rhodes Road and Thompson Road. To make it fit the front corner of the yard, fill must overlap the front lot line and spread over the town road right of way. DPW reported that this fix includes a new catch basin and the project will improve drainage at the corner, so they favor this design. The BOS voted all in favor to accept the request from Northland to encroach on town-owned property with some fill.

Broadband Committee reported that Michael Cote resigned, leaving nine other members. Stan asked to limit the group to nine. Their ad hoc term was to end June 30 2014 and they are requesting a two-year extension. The BOS voted all in favor to extend the committee’s term to June 30 2016 and to limit members to no more than nine.

Selectmen considered the DPW budget for snow & ice removal, which John L. reported was just over $8,000 left as of today and won’t cover the rest of the season. They voted all in favor to permit deficit spending or an adjustment from the FY’14 budget to cover the DPW through winter.

6:15 PM Library Trustee Jane Weisman came in with Library Director Mary Barroll to discuss their FY 2015 budget. They requested an extra 1.5 hours/week for their tech specialist Karen Specht. They requested increases in specific expenses including office supplies, books, professional development and two new computers. The salary request reflects the step schedule in the Classification and Compensation Plan. Neil S. suggested starting a dialog about expanding hours/services and it was noted that there is a survey online with which the library is collecting input—to see if a need exists for extended hours or more services. The chairman announced that the BOS would take the budget request under advisement.

6:45 PM  On the E. Princeton/Route 140 project, the Mass DOT added a requirement for test pits to examine sub-surface conditions around the work site. The board voted all in favor to authorize Stan to sign an “Additional Services Agreement” with the engineers, GPI, for an amount not to exceed $4,300. The funds can come from the DPW’s Road Reconstruction Account.
Selectmen had received letters via email from FD Dept. Chief Tim Kelley applauding the work during the Feb. 13 snow storm of EMTs in a life-saving incident and critical coordination and good job of DPW staff and contractors. Stan read the names indicated in the letters and Edith commented that the new EMT set-up is working. A note of thanks will be sent by BOS.

7:00 PM  Thelia (Terry) Thompson requested appointment to COA and selectmen considered note of support from Sue Shanahan. The board voted all in favor to appoint her with a term to expire June 30, 2016.

Selectmen accepted a letter of resignation from Jim Comer from the Advisory Board. Stan asked the Advisory Bd. members to come up with some suggestions and share them with John L.

As per a request from Ken Babineau on Houghton Road, BOS will hold a hearing pursuant to G.L.C. 140, s.157 concerning dogs owned or harbored by Laurie and Michael Cote, 116 B Houghton Road. The board voted all in favor to conduct a hearing at their March 10 meeting at 6:45 PM on the matter pursuant to the statute with ACO Laura Pease in attendance. It will be the board’s first hearing with the revised dog statute.

John L. announced that the Monty Tech representatives want to come in for a budget meeting on March 24.

7:05 PM  The two boards then reviewed the budget summary and revenue estimates on spreadsheets which were distributed and explained by John L. The Adv. Bd. asked about leasing/buying police department vehicles, as three are in the FY’15 budget request. John suggested that they discuss it with Chief Powers when she comes in for her budget discussion on March 10.

It was noted that the BOS and Advisory Board would be meeting with WRSD staff for budget discussion on March 3 at 6 PM.

Other Business
Neil reported that the issue of regional students prevented from playing on the sports teams of other towns in the district had been resolved. School Committee members discovered that WRSD policy specifically allowed students to participate on the teams of any district school.

Warrants and Minutes
7:25 PM  Members reviewed and approved vendor and payroll warrants: FY14 #17 and voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for Feb. 10.

7:30 PM Selectmen then went into executive session. Neil made a motion: “I move to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(3), to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining (Police Officers) and not to reconvene into open session” and Edith seconded the motion. Stan called for a vote and in roll call Neil voted “Aye,” Edith voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  Stan then announced that “the Board will now enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town..”

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  Northland Engineering septic repair plan; Library budget materials; Budget Summary FY’15; FY 15 Budget Calendar Draft #3; Revenue Estimate #2; Emails from Tim Kelly; “Additional Services Agreement” with GPI; Resignation letter Jim Comer from Adv. Bd.; Letter requesting dog hearing; Letters from Terry Thompson and Sue Shanahan;

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department